It has been 23 years since welcoming Rick aboard to our SGC family. In that amount of time, he has grown immensely as a person and in his career. He started as a Night Picker in our warehouse and has worked his way up to our Purchasing team, working specifically with produce and spices. Rick is one of the produce buyers on our team and communicates with our Sales Representatives, as well as vendors, to get the best produce for our customers. Rick is a hands-on buyer, and oftentimes meets the incoming trucks to check the quality of the product, making sure it meets SGC standards. Since becoming a buyer, his communication skills, knowledge of the products, confidence, procurement skills, and so much more have grown tremendously. Rick loves working with his fellow team members. He told us “I enjoy working with my team because we enjoy getting the job accomplished and can laugh and smile while we are knocking it out. When I get overwhelmed, I always have my team to help me out.” Rick loves that SGC is like a big family that can count on one another to get the job done.
“I have every item number in the product department memorized. I can tell you that 6-digit item number in a split second!” If this isn’t amazing, we do not know what is! This just shows the dedication and energy Rick gives to his job. Despite all that he has on his plate, he still has more goals he would like to achieve. Rick is passionate about culinary innovations and would love to work with our sales team on how to approach customers about the different uses for our products as a sales specialist.
Rick brings a little bit of his work knowledge to his home life. He and his wife (who also works at SGC in the Culinary Center), love creating unique meals at home with the spices they collect from all over the world. Rick also enjoys spending time with their granddaughter who he loves very much. Obviously, family is especially important to Ricky. He credits his mother as his role model and for helping him become the person he is today. He feels extremely fortunate and proud to have her in his life.
“Thank you to everyone at SGC that has helped push me to be where I am today.” Rick, we thank you for your hard work and dedication to SGC, you are amazing!