The sweet tooth isn’t exactly seasonal. All year long, customers are drawn to an end of the meal treat. Whether they indulge that urge is a different story, though. Diets, budgets, and already stuffed stomachs can all mean the difference between an enthusiastic “Yes, please!” or a resolute “No, thanks.”
But summer? Summer is a season for indulgence. Amp up the appeal with a special summer dessert menu. From nostalgic options, to dishes that highlight seasonal fruit, to frozen favorites, summer—and its related sweet treats— comes but once a year. Give diners a reason to embrace it.
Stick with It. Anyone who’s been to a fair or festival knows the appeal of food on sticks. With little cost, you can offer standard menu items in a different form. Try brownie chunks and strawberries on skewers, lemon cake cubes alternated with blueberries, frosted sugar cookie popsicles, or even a wedge of cheesecake on a skewer. The novelty delivers a sense of fun without requiring any more work from the kitchen crew.
Showcase the Season. There are certain fruits that are at their best during June, July, and August. Remind customers that the time to eat them is now. Peach pies, berry cobblers, watermelon sorbets, cantaloupe ices; the possibilities are endless.
Summer Share. Some people go in on a shared vacation rental. Others keep it simple and bond over a banana split for the table. Create a “Multiple Spoon” table tent and highlight family sized desserts. From ice cream challenges (finishers get a photo on display) to towering creations, the experience of finishing together will be remembered long after the dishes are cleared.
You Scream, They Scream, Everyone Screams for Ice Cream. Remember the sound of the ice cream truck? The trilling song and bells generated almost as much excitement as the ice cream itself. Recreate that memory within your operation. On the hour, during summer months, play a special song, ring a handheld bell, and have a staff member walk around with a tray of frozen treats. Customers will have as hard of a time saying no, as parents did back when the ice cream truck came around.
SGC makes it easy. Order your frozen favorites today!